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 News Archive 2014

"To Hell in a hand basket" is where the Fox News poll respondents say the world is going
by Nathan'ette Burdine: October 29, 2014

Fox News’ poll respondents say the world is going “To Hell in a Hand basket.” Among those polled, 58% of voters said that the world is “going to hell in a hand basket” while 35% said that “everything will be alright.”

The remaining 7% of respondents said that they didn’t know whether things were up or down. The outlook on the country wasn’t so much better.

There were 36% of respondents who were “hopeful” that the country is going in the right direction, with 61% not being so hopeful and 3% saying they “don’t know.”

Some of the things that are contributing to this not so rosy outlook are the rise of the terrorist group, the Islamic State (IS), and the Ebola virus.

A majority of respondents ranked IS as the number one threat to the United States and said that the government is “hiding information” about IS.

The Ebola virus was ranked the next top threat to the U.S., with respondents being split, 46%-46%, on how truthful and open the feds are being about the virus.

The one bright spot is that 55% of those polled believe the government will be able to deal with an outbreak of the Ebola virus, compared to 42% who say the feds aren’t prepared and 4% who just said that they, “don’t know.”

As for the respondents’ views of the job that President Obama and Congress are doing, President Obama made a slight improvement while Congress remained at the ocean’s floor.

Based on the poll results, 40% approve of the job President Obama is doing compared to 52% who disapprove and 9% who don’t know whether they should or should not approve.

This is a slight improvement from the poll released last month when the president had a 38% job approval rating, 56% disapproval rating, and 16% not knowing whether they should approve or disapprove of the job the president is doing.

Congress, on the other hand, has been stuck for at least two months at a 13% job approval rating, and 19% disapproval rating and 3% not knowing what to say about the job that Congress is doing.

The Fox News poll was taken by the Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Company Research between October 12-14, 2014, via regular phone and cell phone.

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